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Buffers, Wetlands, and Runoff

August 1, 2018 - Rain gardens and native plants: Beautiful solutions to water pollution
A rain garden is a popular landscaping choice that prevents water pollution by allowing storm water to soak into the ground before it runs off. Rain gardens and native plants also:
• Prevent erosion by holding soil in place with their deep roots.
• Attract birds and butterflies.
• Require little watering and maintenance once established.
Rain gardens are concave gardens that collect runoff from downspouts or driveways. Plants that tolerate "wet feet" should be planted in the bottom, while plants that need less water are planted on the edges.
For information about rain gardens, check out the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources or the city of Maplewood websites.
The Blue Thumb Guide to Rain gardens leads home owners through the steps of designing and installing rain gardens in their yards. Blue Thumb also has a Plant Selector Tool. Simply enter in the conditions of your yard—shady or sunny, wet or dry—and the tool will create a list of native plants that will grow well in those conditions.